EGvACC or VATSIM Egyptian vACC is part of the worldwide online flying organization VATSIM, that since its creation in 2001, has over 400 000 individuals signed up for accounts, with roughly 75 000 active in the last 6 months.VATSIM stands for Virtual Air Traffic SIMulation Network and our goal is to simulate the world of civil aviation as good as possible.
To simulate this, there are two sides: pilots and air traffic controllers (ATC). Pilots sit at home in front of their computers or in their homecockpits and by using a client they connect their Microsoft Flightsimulator, X-Plane or Precision Simulator 1.3 to VATSIM, while ATC are using a special radar control software, which is connected to VATSIM as well. Using a combination of a headphone with a microphone pilots and ATC communicate with a software that transmits their voice, so we are actually talking to each other which boosts the level of realism significantly!
Our ATC receive personal training, navigation data (so called sector files) and training manuals, that will help them perform their duties as good as possible. Their objective is handling the traffic as professional and safe as they can. This is based on a career-scheme, that candidates run through step by step and make their way from being a student to the rating of a senior controller. At each step they need to complete lessons and theoretical but for some also practical checks, where they have to show what they have learned so far.
In summary, VATSIM allows you to join hundreds of other pilots in our virtual skies, flying all kinds of aircraft all over the world. As a VATSIM member, you can join our many communities across the world to enhance your flying skills and flight simulator experience in a shared virtual airspace. ou can also become a virtual air traffic controller, adding that extra bit of realism for you and your fellow enthusiasts. The real beauty of VATSIM is that it caters people who are completely new to the hobby as well as to the seasoned flight simmer.